Interim Management & Staffing​

“How can I handle the current workload if the new staff will only available in a few months?”

Interim Management

It takes extensive experience in management positions with staff responsibility, a good judgement of people and professional expertise to manage a company. It takes entrepreneurial thinking and the courage to make and rigorously implement decisions. The abilities to quickly adapt to new situations, motivate staff and communicate effectively make a ‘good manager’. Corporate management is something you won’t learn from seminars or working as a consultant. For all these reasons, this unique service is provided by ANTORES founder Steffen Hantke only. Take a look at his resumé and the interim management case studies on this website to learn more about his deep management and entrepreneurial experience gained working for renowed companies and as management consultant. His extensive experience will work in your benefit.

Get in touch with Steffen Hantke to find out if he is the right match for your business.

Interim Staffing

Are you looking for a candidate to fill in short-term line or project gaps? ANTORES can help you fill that void by providing interim staff in the following areas:

  • Controlling / Corporate planning
  • Finance
  • Purchasing
  • Subproject management
  • Project office
  • Executive assistance

Please contact us if you need to fill business positions on a short-term basis. Browse the resumés of our in-house consultants (or network partner consultants) or meet them in person to determine whether our expertise and staff are the right fit for your business.

Contact us now to discuss your case!

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